Introducing "Corporate Speak" by Zach Schabot: Your Ultimate Daily Office Survival Journal
The Redtail Creative team had so much fun creating his cheeky daily journal, carefully curated by Zach Schabot. It’s packed with the most bewildering yet beloved corporate clichés—from the infamous “low hanging fruit” to the dreaded “death by a thousand meetings.” We’ve all been trapped in seemingly endless meetings, struggling to stay engaged as the same tired jargon gets tossed around like confetti at a New Year’s Eve party. Am I right?
Enter Corporate Speak by Zach Schabot, the #1 newly released Workplace Culture book on Amazon that promises to lighten the mood in even the most tedious corporate settings. Each day presents a new jargon prompt to add to your repertoire of ridiculous sayings.
“Corporate Speak” Is The Business Slang Diary Taking Over Cubicles Everywhere!
A Corporate Humor Journal Born Out of Necessity
The story of Corporate Speak began about five years ago when Zach Schabot started noticing a trend: the increasing use of what he calls “annoying business vernacular.” From “circle back” to “synergize,” these phrases dominated every conversation, memo, and presentation. To keep himself entertained, Zach began jotting down these corporate buzzwords and sharing them with friends for a quick laugh. Little did he know, he was curating a collection that would eventually become Corporate Speak.
It’s Time to Bring Some Fun to Work
Corporate Speak is not just a book—it’s a daily notebook with 365 cringe-worthy office quips. Each page is dedicated to a different piece of corporate jargon, offering a humorous take on the often puzzling and overused terms we encounter in our professional lives. But it doesn’t stop there; the notebook also includes plenty of space for actual notes, doodles, and to-do lists, making it a functional and fun addition to your workday toolkit.
The Corporate Speak Challenge
Zach isn’t just sharing these phrases for the sake of a good laugh—he’s issuing a challenge. He encourages readers to weave these phrases into their next virtual meeting, email, social media post (#corporatespeak), or even a casual conversation. The goal is to inject a bit of humor and positivity into your work environment, turning mundane interactions into opportunities for a chuckle.
Official Memo from the CFO (Chief Fun Officer)
To inspire you further, here’s an excerpt from the official memo found on the inside cover of Corporate Speak:
To: Stakeholders, Leaders, Managers, C-Suite, HRBP’s, Director+, Rockstars, Product Developers, Individual Contributors, Team Members, Trailblazers, Facilities, Tech Support, Distinguished Guests, Board of Directors, Junior Partners, Senior Partners, Honorary Captains, Founders, Young Professionals, Security Guards, All-Stars, and Rising Stars
From: Zach
Re: Corporate Speak Challenge
Hello team!
About five years ago, I started to notice a trend. The increasing use of annoying business vernacular. Seriously, how many times can you hear “circle back” in a day?
To keep myself entertained during meetings that could’ve been an email, I started writing down these phrases and sharing new ones with friends to grab a quick laugh.
Unknowingly, I was creating a collection of the most dynamic, sometimes puzzling, and often overused terms uttered in virtual meetings, corporate memos, presentations, 1:1 calls, and company-wide all-hands meetings.
What can I say, I was having fun. Since fun is more fun when it’s shared, I’m sharing my collection with you!
I give you *Corporate Speak*, a daily notebook featuring 365 cringe-worthy office quips, (plus plenty of pages for actual notes, doodles, and to-do lists).
But *Corporate Speak* is more than the words on the cover of this notebook. It’s also a noun, a verb, a theme... and a challenge. The challenge is to weave these phrases into your next virtual meeting, email, social media post (#corporatespeak, of course), or conversation with that guy who makes your eyes roll when he struts into the room.
Bottom line, I urge you to be a force for positivity! Champion of a vibrant culture! Level up - use *Corporate Speak* to have a little extra fun during your work day!
CFO (Chief Fun Officer)
HR Departments & Marketers: Looking for a humorous business gift for your employees and partners?
You can co-brand this business slang journal so it's personalized and fun. Reach out and we will share how to get this started!
The Story Behind The Idea
“I had been thinking about Corporate Speak for YEARS before I reached out to Molly at Redtail Creative. I simply couldn’t figure out how to get it from my brain into the universe. She asked thoughtful questions and held me accountable for making decisions. Her guidance is the reason it exists somewhere other than my head.”
At Redtail Creative, we put together the right creative talent for the right projects. Zach collaborated with Molly McKinley and graphic designer Lonnie King to bring Corporate Speak to life, ensuring the book visually entertains and delights, making it a joy to use daily. Digital strategy and SEO work was done by Wendy Gatlin to identify keywords, choose the right Amazon categories, and optimize how the book was published in KDP to create maximum visibility. The strategy paid off and earned the #1 position for newly released books in workplace culture–no small feat given that journals are considered “low content” books competing with book releases in the same time frame.
Do you have a project you’d like to breathe life into?
Redtail Creative is born to bring ideas to the world! We’d love to brainstorm our synergies, find the low-hanging fruit, and collaborate for maximum ROI. See what we did there? (wink, wink). Seriously, all jargon aside. We love working with fun people who need help making the thing they can’t stop thinking about.